Malignant Neoplasms in Japanese Children
(2003 Vital survey)
Malignant neoplasms in children are characterized by leukemia, brain tumor, and lymphoma. The disease rates of leukemia, brain tumor and lymphoma in childhood cancer was 27%, 15%, and 14%, respectively in the 2003 Vital Survey. While, in adults, malignant neoplasms occur in digestives such stomach and large intestine, respiratory systems, and genitalia.
NOTE: The mortality shows the number of deaths due to the malignant neoplasm and represents estimate death number per 100,000 children for the age range. It does not show a risk rate of deaths.
Morbidity and Mortality

Leukemia - Morbidity
Total Rate (Male / Female)
Male Female
Leukemia is most common malignant neoplasm in childhood cancer. Morbidity is the highest in the 0-4 years old child. The morbidity decreases with age. In 2005, the morbidity was 1.4 patients per 100,000 children in the 10-14 years old child, while 4 patients in the 0-4 years old child. Sex ratio shows that leukeia seems to cause more in male than in female. Overall, the morbidity of leukemia tends to decrease after 1975.
As to sex difference in the morbidity of leukemia, the morbidity in male is 1.3 times higher than that in female.

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